Woking Residents Survey: Waste and Recycling Services

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Dear Resident

Woking Residents Survey: Waste and Recycling Services

I am writing to ask for your view on the Council’s waste and recycling services. This questionnaire is aimed at continuously improving the existing services.


It has now been ten years since the Council fundamentally changed its approach to household waste collection with the introduction of wheeled bins and Alternate Weekly Collections. Through the introduction of these changes and the efforts of residents we have seen the level of recycling increase year on year (from 19% in 2003/04 to 59% in 2013/14).

Unfortunately this is still not enough. Analysis shows that more than half of what is being thrown into the black bins (residual waste) could be recycled using the blue bins and food caddies provided. Disposing of these valuable resources are costing residents half a million pounds more, each year, than it would cost to recycle them. This is an entirely avoidable cost. Therefore our aim is to encourage residents to further reduce their black bin waste and recycle the 7,000 tonnes of recyclables which are currently going to waste each year.

Recognising there is still work to do, we have committed to meet and exceed the aims of Surrey’s Joint Municipal Waste Management Strategy. If you would like to know more about this strategy, please go to www.surreywastepartnership.org.uk.

In addition to recycling targets, this Strategy considers statutory European and UK legislation which places limits on the amount of rubbish that we can send to landfill. Therefore, it is our ongoing aim to continue to promote waste reduction and re-use schemes and provide recycling and composting services, whilst keeping the costs for residents as low as possible.

By completing this survey you will be helping us by telling us;

– How satisfied you are with the current service

– What we can improve

– How to plan for future re-tendering of the service contract.

All completed surveys will be treated in the strictest confidence and will only be used to appraise our waste and recycling service.

I very much hope you will take part. If you have any questions or concerns about this survey, please do not hesitate to contact us by emailing stakeholderengagement@woking.gov.uk


Riette Thomas

Marketing Research Officer, Corporate Strategy

Woking Borough Council


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