Dear Goldsworth Park Rec & Lake User Group
Following further consultation with Executive Members, I thought I would send you an update on the approach the Council intends to take with regards to the proposals for the additional junior football pitches at Goldsworth Park Rec.
In view of the fact that the Council is currently undertaking a review of its Playing Pitch Strategy which seeks to identify future needs for the borough as a whole, we will postpone undertaking any works to install additional junior pitches at Goldsworth Park Rec at this time and re-consider the installation in due course once the outcome of need has been identified in the Playing Pitch Strategy.
The consultant undertaking the Strategy on the Council’s behalf will hopefully be ready to report by July 2016 – having taken consultations and views from a variety of partners and National Governing Bodies on future club development needs and mapped against the future demographic needs for the borough. The conclusions of the report will specify (as our previous strategy did) how many and of what level of facility provision will be needed in the way of playing pitches to meet future demands, at which point the Consultants & Officers will then make recommendations within the Action Plan of the Strategy on potentially where the most appropriate places are within the borough for facility development.
Assuming a shortfall in existing provision, in our deliberations on where future pitches maybe developed we will consider not only land that belongs to the council but where we maybe able to obtain ‘secured community use’ of school facilities and appropriate access to any other 3rd party land. Within these deliberations we will still consider Goldsworth Park Rec, unless the most up to date needs analysis concludes that it would be more appropriate to locate pitches elsewhere in the borough. Similarly we would talk to relevant school party’s at this time (including Beaufort School) to confirm the suitability of their facilities in terms of identified need as well as their willingness or otherwise to agree to secured community use (i.e. a formal lease agreement to allow community access).
Following this review and once we have an agreed position on the football pitches, we will also update and progress the plans for the wider improvements proposed for the site.
We will of course update the group in due course but should you require any further information please do not hesitate to contact me.
Kind regards
Arran Henderson | Green Spaces Development Officer | Green Infrastructure __________________________________________
Woking Borough Council, Civic Offices, Gloucester Square, Woking, Surrey, GU21 6YL Phone: 01483 743669 | Fax: 01483 768746 | Web: For general enquiries, please call Woking Borough Council’s Contact Centre on 01483 755855
Gerald Smeesters
To all residents of GP and Other Users of the Lake North Meadow
Please see the front page of latest issue of the Woking News and Mail, dated 14th April 2016 for up-to-date comments and quotes, including those from some of our elected councillors and the GPRFC.
The petition is still open until 2nd May, online at
1,100 people currently disagree with the Council’s thinking on proposals for the North Meadow and which are now subject to the review Arran Henderson mentions in his posting.
People that support this petition want a balanced approach to recreation needs and to be able to access just a little local landscape that is pleasing to exercise on or around.