The GPCA needs you!

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THE Trustees of Goldsworth Park Community Association feel we need to inform residents more fully about the GPCA, its aims, and how it is performing.

According to its Constitution as a Charitable Incorporated Organisation (CIO), its core objectives are to promote the benefit of the community and promote the preservation, development and improvement of the character and amenities of the area.

The charity can have a maximum of nine trustees, and must have a minimum of three. Currently there are only four. If the GPCA is to continue as an effective organisation it needs to recruit more trustees and see an increase in participation from residents. If you would like more information on the work of the trustees or to become involved, please contact the Chair at the email address below.

Last year the quarterly public meetings attracted between 16 and 17 registered member residents. That number was often exceeded by corporate members and councillors. On a more encouraging note the GPCA Facebook Group has reached a membership of 1,500, although membership of this group does not constitute membership of the GPCA itself. Taking into account the preference of residents to communicate via social media and the disappointing attendance at public meetings, there will be two this year, on April 19th and the AGM in October on a date to be decided.

Membership of the GPCA is free and members receive emails with meeting agenda and minutes and news of events such as litter picks. To become a registered member as required under the constitution just send your name and address and email to

GPCA has successfully lobbied WBC and SCC councillors to improve the conditions of our roads, promote the use of yellow lines to prevent parking in dangerous areas and lobbied for better lighting around the lake. We are very grateful to our councillors for their long-standing support and help.

GPCA has also organised regular litter picks, supported Woking Hospice by serving teas and cakes at the annual Dragon Boat Races, laying a wreath at the war memorial on Remembrance Sunday and helping to source and decorate the Christmas tree for the shopping centre.

The Natural Goldsworth Park project, led by Bob Challoner, is actively involved with stakeholders to preserve, maintain and improve Goldsworth Park’s open spaces as a haven for residents and wildlife.

There is much more that we would like to be able to do, and we invite you, as residents to tell us where you think we should be concentrating our efforts. Please do this by contacting George Binyon at or Celia Young at

As Trustees of GPCA, we firmly believe that the association meets a need in Goldsworth Park, but in order to continue to be an effective body we need more participation from you, the residents of Goldsworth Park. Please support us in our aims.

Here are the dates of some upcoming events:

Saturday March 25th , 2.00pm to 4.00pm: Litter pick. Please meet at The Lodge for a safety briefing. Litter pickers and hi-viz jackets are provided. Please wear stout footwear and gloves. Children are welcome, but must stay with a responsible adult. Stay for as long as suits you. Make this a family affair.

Wednesday April 19th 7.30pm: GPCA public meeting at The Lodge. All residents are warmly invited. Come and meet other residents and our local and SCC councillors, and have your say on local matters.


With best wishes from the Trustees of GPCA.


George Binyon (Chair)

Celia Young (Secretary)

Tina Hartley (Treasurer)

Bob Cowell (Community Officer).




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