Proposed changes to local bus services – public consultation closes
As you will be aware, Surrey County Council is in the second year of a three year review of local transport services. Some proposals to change local bus services have been suggested and a public consultation commenced on 20 January 2016. This closed on Monday 14 March 2016. In total, we have received over 2670 responses and we thank you for your assistance in publicising and raising awareness of this consultation. Next Steps The feedback provided will be carefully analysed and the views of everyone who took part in the consultation will be taken into account when drawing up the final proposals with bus operators. This will ensure that vital savings are made, whilst maintaining as many of the services as possible which residents rely upon most. We’ll share a summary of the public consultation results on the website in early April. On 24 May 2016, the final proposals that have been drawn up following the consultation will be considered by Cabinet, the council’s main decision making body, for its consideration. Any agreed changes to bus services will be communicated to residents and stakeholders from June 2016, with the changes coming into effect from early September 2016.
Kind regards,
Paul Millin
Travel and Transport Group Manager
The Local Transport Review:
Write to: Local Transport Review | Room 365 | County Hall | Kingston Upon Thames | KT1 2DN
Phone: 0300 200 1003
SMS Text: 07527 182 861
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