Energy bills explained – drop in session 8th June, Woking

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Dear all,


This is a quick email to notify you of the drop-in-sessions that we are running at the Lighthouse, 8-10 High Street, Woking, on Weds 8th and 29th June, 10am-1pm.


These sessions are to provide advice to residents to understand their energy bills, and to show them how much they could save by changing their tariff as well as the best way to do this. As an incentive, £5 Woking Shopping vouchers will be available to the first 15 customers who attend the session with their energy bills in hand.


This is important as it is estimated that 14 million households could save over £200 per year by switching to a more appropriate energy tariff.


Advice will also be given to reduce energy consumption around the house, and home visits can be offered to residents (subject to eligibility) if further advice/intervention is required.


A leaflet is attached to this email so if you feel this is relevant to yourself or anyone you work/are associated with then please forward it on accordingly.


If you have any queries then don’t hesitate to get in touch, and we hope to see you on the 8th.


Kind regards,


John Scott

Low Carbon Communities Project Officer for Action Surrey

Tel. 01483 749042(Dir)


Thameswey Sustainable Communities Ltd

Part of the Thameswey Group

2nd Floor, Gloucester Chambers, Jubilee Square

Woking, Surrey  GU21 6GA

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