Woking Lions organise a Charity Raft Race on the Goldsworth Park Lake on the 20th September to raise funds for good causes. Teams from business, charities, youth clubs, sports clubs and any other organisations are invited to enter, build a raft and take part in a fun event for rafters and spectators.
Entry starts from £10 per person for adults and £5 per person for youths. Team sponsorship forms are available to raise funds for an entrant’s own charity or for Woking Lions Club.
The event will be based on a JUNGLE / ANIMALS theme and awards will be presented for the Best Presented Raft, Best Youth Raft, Best Designed Raft and for the Best General Raft. Awards will also be presented at the finish to the fastest raft along the course in each class.
The Raft Race is a real fun event and the decorated rafts make for a spectacular start and there is great fun as they paddle down the lake. Teams with 4 to 8 rafters can enter.
Full details can be downloaded here
Royer Slater
Apprarently the event has been cancelled