A resident has raised concerns about the increase in air traffic in and out of
Farnborough Airport and the resulting noise and pollution. The number of
movements is going to increase significantly over the next few years and it appears
that the flight path will be narrowed over this area. It seems that there has been
limited consultation with WBC when these decisions were made and the resident
would like to make this known to other residents.
Saj Hussain has agreed to raise the matter with SCC and ask them to look at this again.
GCPA will collect further comments or complaints if received.
Melinda Matthews
We have lived in Knaphill (Brookwood Hospital area) since 2008, and have seen a steady increase in air traffic. I believe this will be a very busy flight path in years to come. It is gradual, and therefore stealthy, and overshadowed by the Gatwick/Heathrow runway debate.
I saw a comment about increased air traffic from Farnborough Airport and wondered if this why we are now experiencing extremely low and loud jets over our home. They travel north and south and reverse then veering west. We live in Old Woking.
The latest consultation closed in 2014. I live in Goldsworth Park and had already noticed a significant increase in traffic which resulted from the last time they were permitted to increase air traffic. Because of this I did submit comments to the consultation this time around in 2014, along with 14,000 other people. The online process was a bit rigid, in that you had to respond to specific questions with multi-choice responses. I wasn’t left thinking a human was seriously going to read all the free-text comments. Individual replies were not promised and did not materialise. The main point/query I raised was over why they couldn’t concentrate this increased low-level traffic over Worplesdon and the Pirbright Ranges rather than over population dense areas of Guildford, Woking, GWP & Knaphill (thus meeting a gov objective to reduce low-level air traffic (<4000 ft) over populations). I currently see some of the traffic taking this route above the Ranges, so a technical reason is not obvious to me. It still allows landing aircraft to commence final approach within the typical 5-8 nautical miles distance.
I calculated Runway 24 (80% of all arrivals) traffic volumes were predicted to rise by 39% from 2012 – 2019. Goldsworth Park is also within the "1nM RNAV1" center-line of the proposed route, meaning the traffic will also become more concentrated overhead (ie we'd get more traffic overhead even if the traffic volumes were to remain unchanged -which they aren't) because technology is now supposed to assist with an objective of keeping the aircraft closer to the center-line of the flight path.