THAMES WATER owns part of the woodland on the north side of the lake and has produced a draft management plan and the drawing below (click on link) shows proposed work. Funds have been allocated this year for removing invasive Cherry Laurel and Rhododendron from the wood, and for thinning the Silver Birch to improve daylight penetration and encourage greater ground cover plant diversity to benefit wildlife.
The Cherry Laurel removal along the north bank of the lake and its replacement with native hedging and trees is the subject of a grant application to Network Rail, and this is progressing with Woking Borough Council and the Tree Council which administers the funding.
My only comment on the Thames Water plan has been that London Plane is not a tree found in the woods, and selection of an alternative species now present would be preferable.
It is hoped Woking Borough Council will also produce a management plan for the woodland it owns.
The woodland clearance will take place later this year, dates to be confirmed, and it is hoped that local residents and other organisations will volunteer to assist Thames Water’s contractor. Further information will be posted here and on the GPCA and Natural Goldsworth Park Facebook pages in due course. Please do not hesitate to contact me at if you or your organisation would be interested in taking part.
Many thanks,
Bob Challoner
NGP Project Manager.